Hello Glenwood Families,
My name is Maria Ortiz. I'm the Health Clerk.
The Health Department is always dedicated to keeping our students and staff healthy.
You can reach me at 209-931-3229 X 404 or maortiz@lindenusd.com.
My Glenwood office hours are Monday 8am-2pm and Thursday 8am-2pm
Tips to Keep Kids Healthy this School Year.
Big Smiles will be at Glenwood on Nov 1st and April 3rd. Permission slips will go home around mid-October.
Parents please take a moment to update your student’s health records in Aeries if you haven't already done so or haven't already gotten a call from me to take care of that.
If they started kindergarten this school year,
please make sure your students' shots are up to date and their physical and dental form is completed and turned in to the office.
7th grade Tdap-It’s a good idea to make a doctor’s appointment the summer your student is in 6th grade to receive their Tdap booster so that they’ll be ready for 7th grade. At that doctor’s appointment they will also administer #2 Varicella both are required from the state of California.
It is very important that you have a medication dispensed at school form completed and signed by a doctor if your students’ needs any medication to be in the office or in their backpacks.
National Nutrition Month
The month of March is when we promote nutritional knowledge and emphasizes the importance of a balanced lifestyle.
National Nutrition Month is a dedicated campaign focusing on the significance of nutrition and health. It seeks to educate individuals about the importance of making informed food choices, developing consistent eating habits, and undertaking regular physical activity.
How to Get Involved
World Hearing Day is observed globally in March each year. It is an annual event organized by the World Health Organization to raise awareness about the prevention of hearing loss and promote ear and hearing care across the world to draw attention to the significant number of people with hearing loss and the interventions available to treat and prevent it.
How to Get Involved
Our school will be having an event of our own for our students.
Glenwood Hearing Van Day
Thursday March 14, 2024
TK/K, 2nd, 5th, 8th and special education.
National save your vision Month
Overexposure to screens and even the sun, not getting adequate sleep, and an unhealthy diet can contribute to eye strain and bad eyesight.
Having our eyes glued to our screens has become a common part of our lives. We take our sight for granted.
Delaying eye checkups can only worsen the situation. Just like visiting the dentist regularly is a must for everyone, so is getting regular eye checkups.
How to Get Involved
All student’s TK/K, 2nd, 5th, 8th and any special request from teachers have had their vision checked.
Parents if you received a vision referral in the mail please follow up with a professional and send the form back to school.
It is very important that students who need glasses get them as soon as possible. It is very important for their education.
Parents, please remember that Big Smiles is coming to Glenwood on April 30, 2024
Permission slips will be going home soon.
March 17th
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!